

We are a community of believers, seekers, and doubters who have covenanted to journey together in faith and compassion, celebrating God and working toward a more just world. 

Service times and locations

We offer two services each Sunday for Worship:

  1. The café service meets at 8:30 AM in the Chapel (left of the main entrance to the church). Join us as we gather together in the round for a more informal, worship experience.

  2. Our Sanctuary service meets at 10:30 AM in the sanctuary and on Zoom. This service features our beautiful pipe organ, choir and guest musicians. We broadcast this service over Zoom. Please contact the church office for a link to join us!

For Worshiping In-Person during Covid

1.      Arrival: When you approach the church, please make sure to keep your distance from other members and friends. You will find a sanitizing station at the entrance where you can clean your hands and pick up a mask (in case you forgot to bring yours.) Masks are now optional but encouraged unless you will be singing. Masks are still required for singing so please bring your mask with you. If you choose to sing, you must wear your mask for the entire service. We will continue with the most recent distancing suggestions (3 feet). We will be using the red/yellow /green dot sticker system so people can set their personal physical boundary bubble.

2.      Entering the building: The Worship Hosts are trained to answer questions and guide you towards the sanctuary. Greeters and ushers will wear masks and name tags in order to facilitate handing out bulletins.

3.      Sanitizing stations: These will be at the entrances and will contain hand sanitizer, tissues, and masks.

4.      The service: You’ll notice the ministers and musicians will maintain social distance during the service and will wear masks when not engaged in speaking roles. We invite people to participate in the liturgy and singing the hymns. If you choose to sing, you must wear your mask for the entire service.  

  • There will be a modified contact passing of the peace (depending on the color of sticker worn). Please be respectful of people’s wishes.

  • The offering will be collected via baskets at the exits.

  • Fellowship time has resumed.

Contact the office: admin@theunitedchurches.org if you would like a link to join us!

We invite ALL to worship with us. You are welcome here!