OUR VISION - Spiritual Nourishment for Community Engagement

We believe that God loves and welcomes all people. We join together as a community of faith so that we might strengthen and nurture our spirits through a relationship with God through Christ. Weekly worship includes Biblical preaching and sharing in prayer and Sacraments. We offer weekly bible studies and social small groups that we might support and nurture one another.​

As spiritually nurtured people, we believe God wants us to challenge the injustices, inequities and the systems of our world that take advantage of the marginalized, the disadvantaged, the differently-abled and those who cannot speak or act for themselves. We focus on ending racial injustice, homelessness and on welcoming the immigrant and refugee. 

Thus, we are the Church of Jesus Christ alive, attempting to be faithful to God’s good news and to speak a word of encouragement and hope as we continue to struggle with what it means to be Christian in a rapidly changing world.

We are an evolving Christian community seeking justice in the way of Jesus.
