At The United Churches of Olympia, we believe that God created all of humankind in God’s image, and calls us into action to create justice in this world. Racism and the ideology of white supremacy directly contradict this vision of God’s kin-dom. We are committed to becoming racial justice advocates within our own church, as well as within our communities.

 As a Christian faith community in the United States, we acknowledge our complicit participation in systems of white supremacy and colonialism, both historically and today. We continue to wrestle with the implications of this history, while seeking to disrupt systems of oppression. Through the work of our Uprooting Racism team, we are developing the skills to identify and educate others about injustices, actively advocate with communities of color, and engage in courageous conversations.

Racism must not be accepted in our worship spaces, our community, or our world. We affirm the dignity of all people. Listening for the voice of God, who is still speaking, we strive to work towards a vision of true justice for all.



The United Churches’ Uprooting Racism Committee was formed in 2020 and is actively working to dismantle racist systems and structures within our congregation and the greater community. To read more about our recent activities, please read the following article in The Fig Tree, an online news journal of the Pacific Northwest Conference United Church of Christ. This article was submitted in December 2022. UCC leader leads church conversation on racism

Throughout 2023, the Uprooting Racism Team hosted and facilitated Lunch and Learn sessions focused on books and movies. The meetings and discussions took place every third Sunday at the church.  There were also post-church gatherings on the 5th Sunday of suitable months. These get-togethers covered a wide range of topics. They provided opportunities for people to “talk about race” in a less structured setting.

The Uprooting Racism Team will be offering additional ways for United members and participants to learn about, become engaged in, and contribute to what it takes to Uproot Racism.  Suggestions for ways we can do this are always welcome.